Classroom Management Software: This Is How You Can Make Online Learning Effective

Online learning is here to stay. By now, we can’t deny, but accept the fact that educational institutions cannot stay relevant without offering online learning for their students. But like we discussed in our previous blog, the last few months have exposed some of the glaring weaknesses of online learning. Two most glaring shortcomings being: […]
Smart Ideas for Academies: 5 Strategies to Increase Student Enrollment

It has rather been a mixed bag for academies and training institutes this year. On one side, several of them were able to go from strength to strength as a good number of working professionals enrolled for upskilling and reskilling programs during the COVID-19 lockdown. But on the other side, many academies – including dance […]
COVID-19 SERIES: 5 tips for educational institutions to adapt and thrive after coronavirus recovery

To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an everlasting impact on the education sector is to state the obvious, and to an extent, a bit redundant now. Enough has been written about how the coronavirus pandemic has caused disruptions and ramifications in almost every sector. The focus should now be on preparing ourselves for […]
3 Benefits of Using Voice Assistants at Educational Institutions

The world is moving towards voice search. Statistically speaking, it is estimated that a staggering 50% of all online searches this year would constitute voice searches according to ComScore. Now, the natural question which would arise on everyone’s mind would be how and why this fact is relevant for educational institutions. It is more relevant […]
COVID-19 SERIES: Distance Learning is the way forward amid the growing Coronavirus outbreak

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring the coronavirus (COVID – 19) outbreak as a pandemic now, we understand how concerning the situation might be for educational institutions across the globe. Many schools and universities have either closed temporarily or are considering announcing a closure soon. Uncertainty over the functioning of schools and universities leave […]
How Classe365 Serves Admission Officers

Through the rich features of our Student Administration Software, we have helped several schools and universities handle applications and enrolment more efficiently. Through our system, students or their parents can submit new applications without waiting in line and filling out several forms. All of these, they can do at the comfort of their homes. The […]
Social Media Strategies for Private Schools

While many schools and educational institutions use social media as an avenue to interact and communicate with their students and their parents, others are using it to recruit potential students and increase their enrollment rate. Why not? Compared to traditional marketing techniques, social media is cheaper to maintain and have bigger reach. Let’s accept the […]
Whats New in Classe365 Student Information System in 2016?
What is new indeed! For starters, Classe365 has officially become the 13th “best” cloud based student information system worldwide! This is a feat that we are truly proud of. We have our subscribers to thank for getting us this far. And, what better way is there to thank them than introducing some new, unique and […]