Captivate International Students with 5 Key Strategies

The strength of an institute lies in the aspiration of the local to study in it as well as in the interest attracted by it from international students. While international students stand to gain exposure to novel teaching methods and new geographies, local students also benefit from them with fresh perspectives and newer cognitive skills. […]
Augmented Reality in Education

Ever wondered how the scenes of a sci-fi movie are created? Any first time movie goer would be fascinated by the realistic Holograms, Aliens, Blackholes, Ghosts etc. How are these captured on screen? With Augmented Reality, Objects that may or may not exist in the physical world can be shown in vivd detail. To “Augment” […]
LMS and SIS Comparison – are these the new dynamic duo of the education world?

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin Information is man’s primal asset in this age. Impatience is the buzzword of our generation which is stoked by the lack of timely, actionable and veritable data. As we evolve to seek answers, our methods of ingesting […]
QR Code Usage in Education

For every product sold in a retail store, you would have seen a bar code, composed of a 1 Dimensional array of Thick and thin lines. This bar code contains some information about the product, like product ID, Name and Price. But, not too much information can be stored in it. Quick Response Codes (QR […]
BYOD vs Informal Learning: Classroom Impact

What is the first thing that pops into mind when you think about “education”? Probably a “chalkboard”, “classroom” or “student-teacher interaction” etc. In this traditional method of teaching, students are fed the same amount of information at the same rate. The level of understanding is different for each student. Teachers, regardless of whether students have […]
Mobile Learning vs E-Learning: Clarified

Everybody who is anybody has a phone these days. Acknowledging the fact that the face to face teaching model has more liabilities than assets, its no surprise that someone would think of using mobile technology in education. You may be thinking that M-learning (Mobile Learning) is E-Learning (Electronic Learning) on a mobile device, but that […]
Can we really improve Education with Gamification?

With the creation of “Computer Space” in 1971, and “Pong” the year after, video games have gained international recognition as “a fun way to spend your time”. They are now the primary source of entertainment. When people hear “games”, they associate it with children. But strangely enough, There are more gamers over the age of […]
Redefine Learning with The Flipped Classroom

One of the most noticeable drawbacks of the Traditional “Face to Face” education is that all students, bright or slow, will be taught at the same rate. Lets take a moment to analyze this. In traditional learning, we would just expect students to enter a classroom without any knowledge of the concept to be taught […]
Tips for Teaching in the Millennium
The new era of technology accompanies with it, the new era of education. Classroom cliches like chalkboards, papers and stacks of books are replaced with paperless, easy to manage virtual teaching utensils to provide a vivid conceptualization on various topics. The students, constituting this millennium generation, will be taught in a way quite different than […]
Whats New in Classe365 Student Information System in 2016?
What is new indeed! For starters, Classe365 has officially become the 13th “best” cloud based student information system worldwide! This is a feat that we are truly proud of. We have our subscribers to thank for getting us this far. And, what better way is there to thank them than introducing some new, unique and […]