Product Suite

10 Types of E-Learning for Amazing Results

10 types of e-learning by Classe365

Welcome to the future of learning, where education transcends the boundaries of time and space. In this digital era, e-learning emerges as the cornerstone of modern education, revolutionizing how we acquire knowledge and skills. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of e-learning and explore its diverse facets, with the support of Classe365, […]

NEP 2020: An Edtech Perspective

understand nep 2020

India, over the years, has produced excellent students and working professionals across multiple fields. But having said this, educationists, for a long time now, have been actively demanding a change in the existing education system in the country for a variety of reasons. And rightly so.  One of the major criticisms of the the existing […]

Big Data Analytics in Education: A Comprehensive Guide

big data analytics

Data doesn’t lie. We, in Classe365, strongly believe in this. There has always been a debate on how old or how new concepts like data analytics, data sciences, and big data are. Well, let’s not get into that. Rather, let’s focus on how data has become an inseparable part of everyday life, let alone industries […]

Classroom Management Software: This Is How You Can Make Online Learning Effective 

Classroom Management Software

Online learning is here to stay. By now, we can’t deny, but accept the fact that educational institutions cannot stay relevant without offering online learning for their students. But like we discussed in our previous blog, the last few months have exposed some of the glaring weaknesses of online learning. Two most glaring shortcomings being: […]

Transform Institution Website into Enrollment Powerhouse


Are you struggling to achieve the student enrolment target at your school, university, or academy every year? Is your academy struggling to generate the right online traffic despite trying several promotional campaigns? If you have been suffering due to any of the above-mentioned issues, chances are high that your website is not optimized enough to […]

Smart Ideas for Academies: 5 Strategies to Increase Student Enrollment


It has rather been a mixed bag for academies and training institutes this year. On one side, several of them were able to go from strength to strength as a good number of working professionals enrolled for upskilling and reskilling programs during the COVID-19 lockdown. But on the other side, many academies – including dance […]

Pre-Admissions Series: 5 ways to increase student enrolment through digital tools


Are you an educational institution that is suffering from low student enrolment? here are 5 Ways To Increase Student Enrolment Through Digital Tools Chances are that you might have not leveraged the use of technology to the fullest. Do you find the whole enrolment process time-consuming and highly stressful? At the risk of sounding repetitive, […]

3 Benefits of Using Voice Assistants at Educational Institutions 

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The world is moving towards voice search. Statistically speaking, it is estimated that a staggering 50% of all online searches this year would constitute voice searches according to ComScore. Now, the natural question which would arise on everyone’s mind would be how and why this fact is relevant for educational institutions. It is more relevant […]

COVID-19 SERIES: 3 Major Ways COVID-19 Pandemic Could Change Education Sector Forever

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“A staggering 91% (5bn) of global students have been affected due to COVID-19 pandemic and this is going to accelerate and reshape education forever” – Nandan Keerthi, Classe365 cofounder It has been a whirlwind past few weeks for the educational institutions across the world due to the coronavirus outbreak. While some schools and universities acted […]