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Transform Institution Website into Enrollment Powerhouse


Transform Institution Website into Enrollment Powerhouse

Are you struggling to achieve the student enrolment target at your school, university, or academy every year? Is your academy struggling to generate the right online traffic despite trying several promotional campaigns? If you have been suffering due to any of the above-mentioned issues, chances are high that your website is not optimized enough to neither increase the enrolment nor generate good online traffic.

We, at Classe365, have been closely monitoring trends in the education sector and based on our observation and based on research studies, we found that possessing a good website – irrespective of it being a school, academy or a university – is one of the most important requisites to increasing the student enrolment. Hence, in this blog, let us see the important steps that institutions should have in mind 

Two common mistakes institutions commit 

Based on our research, we found that some institutions do have a good-looking website, but they are not necessarily optimized to generate online traffic while some other institutions have websites that are highly optimized for generating online traffic but are poorly designed. Institutions, in both cases, would not be able to fully leverage the website for enrolment. In the first case, while an institution might be attractive and interest-inducing for a potential lead, they wouldn’t be able to make the leads land on their page in the place. In the second case, there are higher chances of potential leads visiting the website of the institutions, but due to poorly designed websites, high chances are they would not necessarily convert into enrolments. 

Optimize your website for voice search and pay particular emphasis on SEO

According to ComScore, as much as 50% of searches on Google in 2020 will be voice searches. This makes it imperative for websites – including educational institutions – to make their websites optimized for voice searches. The other obvious important requisite for a website is the presence of SEOs. Institutions should ensure that they implement SEOs in a smart way – they should think from a parents’/ students’ perspective and use the words they might search.

Dedicate a page for FAQs to address all misconceptions and doubts 

One of the major reasons a potential lead would not convert into an enrolment might be due to a lack of clarity about the particular institution’s functioning, fees, or course structure. To overcomes this, institutions should carefully consider all possible doubts a student/ parent might have and ensure that they have a dedicated FAQ page to address all this. The FAQ page could also have a chat window where the potential leads could quickly get their doubts clarified from enrollment staff at the institution. 

Have a highly-convincing and attractive testimonial page 

No matter how many blogs/ write-ups/ brochures an institution might come up with, if they don’t have their students talking positive things about them on their website, a potential lead would always be a little circumspect if the institution is good enough. This is why having testimonial videos of current and past students is very important. The institutions should focus on getting students from varied backgrounds and cultures to show how inclusive they are.

Make the application process a hassle-free affair for students 

This is the direct step towards increasing the enrolment. By making the application and admission process very simple and straightforward, institutions can make sure that the leads do not get intimidated by a rather exhaustive or a complicated process. Institutions should also make it a one-time data entry process for the students which they can use from inquiry till enrollment. This would make the admission process a pleasant experience for students.